The Problem - Money

Considering extremely expensive solutions that are unnecessary and ineffective is a blatant disregard for respecting where this money is coming from - the tax payers. These private industries should be thankful for our gift to them. Pushing the gondola by advertising skewed information displays that their only motive is to benefit themselves.


Funding for these projects will come from us, the tax payers, and the projects will only benefit the ski resorts.

Building and running the gondola or widening the road will cost approximately $592 million or $510 million, respectively (estimates from 2018). Additionally the price to ride the gondola had not been announced, which means that if our tax dollars do go towards funding this eyesore, riders could be surprised by a costly fee or tax-payers will continuously pay for this “public transit” system. The gondola or bus service will only stop at the resorts, which blatantly demonstrates who will benefit from this infrastructure. People recreating elsewhere will have to pay the toll because they have no other choice.

Considering Alta and Snowbird will be the beneficiaries of the gondola or road widening, it is simply unethical to require taxpayers to pay for these incredibly costly solutions, especially when more affordable transit solutions are possible.

If the resorts had to pay for their own solution what would they do?


They would start with affordable solutions. A business does not first jump to an extremely expensive and invasive solution.

Because we are paying for their problem, they are advocating for the gift they want without listening to what the public “wants” to give them.